Put Your In Bay
Automatic on the FasTrak!

Decrease wash time with the latest touch-free automatic from Hot Wax. The Dual Arm Overhead Bridge Design allows you to wash more cars per hour while still providing a consistently superior clean vehicle using zero degree oscillating nozzles.


This innovative automatic provides an open and inviting bay with water saving technology.

Features & Benefits

of FasTrak

Dual Arm Design to Increase Speed

Multiple Chemicals Applied in One Pass

Faster Wash Time  – Increasing Cars Washed per Hour

Reduced Cost of Ownership due to Ease of Maintenance

Reliable Performance

Consistent Results

Open and Inviting Bay Welcomes Customer

Standard Features

24’ Wall Mounted Overhead Rails

Belt Drive

Dual Tower Wash System

Oscillating Nozzles


Vehicle Profiling

Stainless Steel Construction

Variable Frequency Drive Technology

Remote Access Control Center

Single High Pressure Pump Station

Single Pump for solutions and optional RO


(714) 503-0088